Coping Skills Group for Women

6 Week Virtual Group

Starts February 4, sign up now! (This group is full but check back for future groups)

Week 1: What are coping skills? How do you manage stress, anxiety, depression? We will identify how theses issues manifest for you.

Week 2: Self Care. Do you feel guilty taking care of yourself? We will identify barriers both internal and external to self care. Hint: Self care is never selfish!

Week 3: Nutrition, Sleep, & Exercise. We will discuss foods that affect mood and ways to get moving as well as improve sleep.

Week 4: How do you talk to yourself? Would you talk to a friend that way? Let’s change the conversation.

Week 5: Asking for Help. We will focus on identifying your support team and barriers to getting the help you need.

Week 6: Putting it all together: Affirm yourself.

In this 6 week interactive virtual group, we will explore coping skills and learn new techniques. Each class will include a new coping skill along with the topic listed above. The group runs Thursdays Feb 4- March 11 from 12-12:45pm So contact us to sign up now!

Photo by Mohamed Ajufaan on Unsplash

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